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Macabama Group LLC


For YOUR benefit, we have RETHOUGHT international consulting. Objective analysis, revolutionary ideas, alternative perspectives, and better results: We accompany Company Founders, Companies, Corporations, Political Parties, Politicians, Institutions, and Artists in all relevant areas.

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Management Consulting
Political Management Consulting
Political Consulting


We accompany you in all areas that are crucial for your success.

We not only advise you in the areas of politics, universal rights, ideology (with topics such as climate change and health), ethics, digital transformation, management, strategy, finance (also: funding), communication, PR, or marketing, but can often help with practical implementation: Wherever there is a need for optimization or development, we are at your side.

From the initial idea through the business plan to the company formation; from a need to the completed project; from the newly developed product to the successful marketing campaign; from the local branch to the global corporate structure; from a doubt to a certain judgement: we offer better Management Consulting.

We invite you to also take a look at the next section.


- for private entities -

Objective information and independent political management consulting form the necessary basis for meeting major challenges in a well-considered manner.

How do you make your concerns heard, politically and socially? How do you create and raise awareness? How do you exert political influence? How should you react to political and economic developments? Many companies have been able to make the right decisions in times of crisis thanks to our advice. Our independence is your advantage.

Presidents George Washington, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and John F. Kennedy warned us about the power ambitions of the military-industrial complex. The warnings have faded. Nation states have had their day (“Great Reset”) and now only act as intermediaries for military-industrial interests.

Today, the power to rule emanates from supranational and international institutions. These constitute a military-industrial World Dictatorship (“New World Order”), which seeks to legitimize itself by claiming that the artificial problems of our time require centralized, uniform solutions: Relevant political, media and economic activities are centrally determined. National interests have been annulled.

Other Consultancies act as the executive forces of the New World Order and its Centrally Planned Economy: their task is to implement centrally imposed ideologies, norms, and technologies across the board. Old systems, values, and traditions are giving way to the global unified system. The world's population is being pushed into the abyss in order to unite them under centralized rule.

We help you to navigate these difficult times with confidence, understand manipulation, and make informed decisions. We help you to correctly assess unscientific ideologies, media disinformation, political propaganda, and the legitimacy of directives, regulations, or laws: This knowledge will not protect you from attacks, but it can prevent you from participating in centrally orchestrated Crimes Against Humanity.

The military-industrial complex may have seized power for the time being. But it is up to the true sovereign - the enlightened citizen and, thus, also the entrepreneur - to recognize and fend off systemic attacks and to stand up for freedom - the only Human Right. We stand by your side.


- for parties, politicians, institutions -

Since Marcus Tullius Cicero's election campaign in 64 BC - the classic model for US election campaigns - politics and the electorate have hardly changed: Not a trace of evolution.

In times of Corporate Liberalism, Common Ownership and Public-Private Partnerships, in which big business boasts of having infiltrated the world's parliaments and universities in order to stabilize (or "harmonize") politics and research, and defend them against the vagaries of democracy, objective research and advice are hardly accessible anymore.

After all, it is often the seemingly neutral consulting firms, brainwashed functionaries (civil servants dependent on states), and lobbyists who resolutely oppose reality in order to manipulate public opinion (propaganda) and politics as so-called “experts” ("useful idiots") in order to enforce particular private interests. President George Washington - the epitome of private interest - already warned us about this development in his farewell address.

The simplicity of the world and universal principles are deliberately obscured in the interests of the few (in Latin: "divide et impera"). We offer you superior expertise, precise analyses, independent assessments and fact-based recommendations that stand up to universal scrutiny and prevent you from participating in industrial Crimes Against Humanity (CCAIL, Nuremberg Code, etc.) and the censorship that accompanies them.

Today's world requires knowledge, skills, creativity, flexibility and ingenuity. Even more targeted, accelerated, and precise political activities are the key to defending the only human right: Freedom. We stand by your side.

“One must always repeat the truth, because error is preached all around us, not by individuals, but by the masses. In newspapers and encyclopaedias, in schools and universities, everywhere error holds sway, feeling happy in the knowledge of having majority on its side.”

Goethe, J. W., Conversations. With Peter Eckermann, December 16, 1828


Macabama Consulting can assist you with any task that arises: Image building; emotionalization strategies; personalization strategies; strategic and tactic planning; appointments; schedules; event management; effective speeches; designing of invectives; handling of citizen inquiries; astroturfing, marketing, and PR campaigns; training in dealing with journalists and in crisis communication; explanation of global structures of power and domination; historical education; management and assessment of lobbying activities, and more. As so called spin doctors, we provide our clients with an immense advantage over opponents by respecting human rights and universal moral values: We know the limits.


Macabama Group LLC


Macabama Group LLC
New Mexico

Crucial Services

"We are the basis of your success!"

We manage different high-profile service trademarks in areas that are crucial for your success. Our services (can) complement each other. Thus, we can be your one-stop shop regarding every service you need. Or you simply pick single services that are of interest to you. Contact us.

We are your go-to solution for everything from book keeping to business plans; from company formation to election campaigns; from management consulting to policy advice; from communication to global public relation camapaigns; from speeches and texts to professional content creation (graphics, photography, videography); from the first musical idea to an internationally distributed sound product.



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© 2025 Macabama Group LLC. We give general rather than legal advice and we provide access to our trademarks and experts in the respective fields. We are neither a lawyer nor a law firm, and we do neither provide legal nor financial advice. Our service is not a substitute for a lawyer or for professional legal or financial advice. Use of our products and services are governed by our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

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